• भारत सरकार
  • विज्ञान और इंजीनियरी अनुसंधान बोर्ड

About Accelerate Vigyan

"Accelerate Vigyan" (AV) strives to provide a big push to high-end scientific research and prepare scientific manpower which can venture into research careers and knowledge-based economy. Recognizing that all research has at its base as development of quality, well-trained researchers; AV will initiate and strengthen mechanisms of identifying research potential, mentoring, training and hands-on workshops, on a broad-based national scale. The aim is to expand the research base in the country, with three broad goals - consolidation / aggregation of all scientific training programs, initiating High end Orientation Workshops and creating opportunities for Training and Skill Internship.

This scheme is primarily to focus on young potential researchers with an aim to give an opportunity to them to spend quality time in the pre-identified premier institution, labs / organizations and empower them through best practices and environment, so that they acquire the requisite skills and vision for undertaking future research assignments requiring high standards. This will be achieved through two modes of learning, that is high end workshops & Training and Skill Internship. The aim is to reach out to those students from the universities / institutes / recognised colleges, who do not have access and exposure to such facilities and environment.

The SERB through some of its existing programmes facilitates various forums for scientists and technologists by providing complete or partial grant-in-aid to scientific organizations and professional bodies to organize seminar/symposia, technical workshops, winter / summer schools etc. while the organizers of such events solicit funds from other funding bodies too. However, such efforts of all these ministries/departments and beneficiaries of such programs, often remains unnoticed for the want of a common data base. Thus, another component of the AV aims towards branding and aggregation of all the scientific workshops and training programs conducted in the country under a common roof and logo of "Accelerate Vigyan".

With suitable intervention, liaison and facilitation, SERB will centrally coordinate with the other ministries/departments/organizations for achieving the three goals of AV. The AV will work on mission mode and an Inter-Ministerial Overseeing Committee (IMOC) among all the scientific ministries / departments as well as few others, constituted for the purpose will help and support SERB in implementing the scheme as a successful embodiment. The database of skilled manpower developed across different disciplines so generated and the final outcomes captured in the process will serve the cause of students, teachers, science administrators and other stakeholders, in respect of capacity building in the country to promote Science R&D.

In a nutshell, Accelerate Vigyan is expected to be a game changer for developing career paths and providing support to catalogue the skilled manpower development.

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